Monday, February 06, 2006

Grizzly Man

I watched this really great movie Saturday night on PBS, 'Grizzly Man'! It is about the guy, Timothy Treadwell, and his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard, who were killed and eaten by a grizzly bear back in '03. Treadwell was an amatuer grizzly expert who spent 13 summers up in Katmai National Park in Alaska studying the bears and protecting them from poachers. This director Werner Herzog did a hell of a job assembling Treadwell's video footage to put together a movie that's both intriguing and memorable. I remembered the story from late 2003 and was astonished to find that Treadwell had been studying these bears for so long. The news media led me to think that he was some untrained, inexperienced kook that went up to see the bears and got eaten. And they were right. Yes, he was untrained, and I definitely believe he was at least a little bit crazy, but there is so much more to the story. He was a good guy, a little crazy, maybe alot crazy, but a good guy just the same. He was a real-life, modern-day Grizzly Adams, the rugged individualist that abandoned civilization to be one with the purity and sanctity of nature's wilderness. Only Mr. Adams' bear didn't eat him. A must see!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

SuperBowl XL

Welcome football fans! Downtown Detroit was abuzz all week awaiting the big day! Superbowl XL has given Detroit a chance to shine to the world and the opportunity didn't go unheeded. The Downtown area hasn't been this active since the late '80's! Hopefully the wonderful face that has been put on for this exciting event will jump-start a new genesis for our wonderful city. It is really great seeing the effort that went into transforming the Downtown area and the cooperation of so many organizations and indivuals to put on such a great show. Great job Detroit!